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Icy Purple Head. Super Slide

The athlete then has to negotiate to his endpoint. The Purple Head uses the Sprone, which it carries in its regular shape, to get some much-needed slack so it may adhere to surfaces and acquire motion. The Purple Head changes into an Ice Blue Head upon user click on the screen. The Purple Head can now skate with little to no control; the Ice Blue Head is generally renowned for being quite smooth.

The game is cleverly entwined with the challenges to allow simultaneous solutions. To really maximize the Icy Purple Head. Two quite clever powers, tricks, and design stages from Super Slide are Usually more frequently than not, athletes must time their state changes precisely to traverse gaps, scale terrain, or perform difficult climbs. A badly timed state transition will cause Purple Head to fall into a chasm or spiral over the edge of the screen. To achieve the perfect transition, the new level will have to be tried once more and especially timed in practically every action.

How To Play

Hold the mouse to switch to ice, move faster on snow.

Things to note

  • Learn the transforming techniques and then accurately manipulate the square.
  • Look closely at the game screen to identify key components; then, arrange your movements.
  • To execute transformations successfully, figure out the time and distance.

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