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Minesweeper is a classic puzzle game where the objective is to uncover all the squares in a grid without detonating any hidden mines.

The game takes place on a rectangular grid made up of squares. Some of these squares contain mines, while others remain completely safe. Players start by selecting a square. If the square is safe, it will reveal the number of surrounding mines or a blank space. If there is a mine in the square, the round ends. To determine its safety, count the number of mines near each revealed square. Using the information shown by each click, players must determine whether squares are safe and where the mines are located. Using data from nearby squares, eliminate any locations that cannot support mines. Methodically removing alternatives allows for a gradual unveiling of the entire board without detonating any mines.

How To Play

  • Click on the "New Game" button to start a new game.
  • Select one of three difficulty levels: Beginner, Intermediate, or Expert.
  • Left-click on a square to uncover it. Right-click on a square to flag it as containing a mine.

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